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Grocery Store Burglars Caught in Action

Public Information Officer:
April 14th, 2008
Cpl. Kevin Tieman,
Cass County Sheriff’s Office
816-380-8615 (Office)
816-738-4394 (Cell)

Drexel, Mo. – Around 1:00 am Monday morning a witness walking her dog noticed a suspicious vehicle at the back of Welborn’s Grocery Store and called the Cass County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies arrived a short time later and found the vehicle and forced entry to a door. A Deputy in front of the store saw a subject inside the store. Moments later a second deputy caught a man and woman exiting the rear of the store.

Cass County Sheriff, Dwight Diehl said, “Information from the public makes arrest like these possible. Without help from citizens our job would be difficult at best.” If people see something that just doesn’t look right, call the Sheriff’s Office or local police.

A 22 year old woman and 19 year man from Drexel were taken into custody and transported to the Cass County Jail. Neither subject has been charged at this time. Charges are expected to be filed later today.

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