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You Drink & Drive, You Lose.
Law Enforcement Efforts Effective

Public Information Officer:
September 5, 2006
Cpl. Kevin Tieman,
Cass County Sheriff’s Office
816-380-8615 (Office)
816-738-4394 (Cell)

The Cass County Sheriff’s Office participated in the “You Drink & Drive. You Lose” crackdown conducted August 18 through September 4, 2006. During the enforcement effort deputies issued a total of 41 traffic tickets including:

  • 4 driving while intoxicated
  • 16 speeding
  • 25 other traffic violations

“We feel the program is very successful”, stated Sheriff Dwight Diehl. “When we remove a drunk driver from the roads, we all travel safer”.

Funding for this effort was provided through a grant from the Missouri Department of Transportation’s Highway Safety Division in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Missouri Safety Center.