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Increased Traffic Enforcement to Target J Hwy Corridor

Public Information Officer:
September 10th, 2009
Cpl. Kevin Tieman,
Cass County Sheriff’s Office
816-380-8615 (Office)
816-738-4394 (Cell)

In an effort to increase public awareness and keep the public safe as the school year returns, the Cass County Sheriff’s Office will target school zones and surrounding areas with saturated patrols. The increased patrols will start on the morning of September 14. The intensive enforcement will continue for the next two weeks in the J Hwy area near Peculiar and Raymore before moving to other areas around Cass County. While traffic enforcement is a year-round priority for the Cass County Sheriff’s Office, these high profile areas will be heavily patrolled during this two-week period. “Our focus during this enforcement period is two-fold: The safety of the school children in our communities and education of the motoring public,” said Sheriff Dwight Diehl.

A few miles over the posted speed limit can cost a driver hundreds of dollars. More importantly, a few miles over the speed limit could cost a child his or her life. The Cass County Sheriff’s Office encourages parents of teenage drivers to talk with them about traffic safety. Ensuring they are aware of the safest route to and from school, traffic laws, and wearing a seat belt. Drivers and students alike should remember to be aware and be safe as we continue a new school year.

The Cass County Sheriff’s Office received funding for the traffic enforcement from the Missouri Department of Transportation Highway Safety Division.